Simple, straightforward tech help where and when you need it.
Answers to all of your questions, step-by-step guides when you want them, and nonjudgmental assistance for any issue you come across.
Our priority is to give you answers to all of your questions, step-by-step guides when you want them, and nonjudgmental help with any issue you come across.
We focus on keeping you safe online, making sure your devices and accessories are in working order, and ensuring that you have all the information and tools you need to use your phone, computer, smart home devices, TVs, printers, and more in exactly the ways that you want.
We offer both online and in-person appointments in the Portland, Maine area. We work around your commitments for either as-needed or recurring appointments on whatever schedule you need.

Personalized help with everything from computers to cable boxes.
Email, applications, and organization
No matter what you use your computer, tablet, and phone for, having the right systems in place to keep everything organized and functional is not only important but also very doable. Together, we will make sure that you have all the info and systems you need to use your devices the ways you want to.
Cyber security and online safety
Keeping you safe on the internet is one of our absolute highest priorities. We can help you manage your passwords and accounts, learn the warning signals and red flags that are important for spotting scams and other potential security risks, and help make sure you feel equipped to keep your personal information safe online.
Device set up or migration
Setting up a new phone, tablet, smart device, or computer can be complicated and time consuming. We’ll walk you through it or take care of it for you, depending on how involved you’d like to be. Not only will we make sure you don’t lose anything important in the process, but we’ll make sure you feel comfortable using the new device too.
Entertainment systems and printers
Pesky printer issues and mismatched remotes are a nuisance for anyone. We can help get your accessories in working order, no matter how fussy they are. As a bonus, we can leave behind handy guides to help you troubleshoot on your own, if you want them.